Tag Archives: NON

Jordan Owen Uses Hirsute Pursuit & NON/Boyd Rice Photos In Video Interview With Boyd Rice

Jordan Owen (author of the novel Eros Empire and guitarist for Leaving Babylon) has used my Hirsute Pursuit & NON/Boyd Rice photos from January 24, 2013 at Europa in Brooklyn, NY in a NSFW video interview with Boyd Rice which can be viewed below.

All the Hirsute Pursuit photos from this performance can be purchased or viewed here or viewed on Flickr.

All the NON/Boyd Rice photos from this performance can be purchased or viewed here or viewed on Flickr.

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Hirsute Pursuit Photos From January 24, 2013

Hirsute Pursuit photos from January 24, 2013 at Europa in Brooklyn, NY are now online.  View them here or on Flickr.

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NON/Boyd Rice Photos From January 24, 2013

NON/Boyd Rice photos from January 24, 2013 at Europa in Brooklyn, NY are now online.  View them here or on Flickr.

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Re-Gen Magazine Publishes Hirsute Pursuit & NON/Boyd Rice Photos

Harley Phoenix of Hirsute Pursuit and Boyd Rice of NON (L–R)

Re-Gen Magazine has published my Hirsute Pursuit & NON/Boyd Rice photos from January 24th at Europa in Brooklyn, NY.  See the article and photos here.

View all the Hirsute Pursuit photos from this performance here or on Flickr.

View all the NON/Boyd Rice photos from this performance here or on Flickr.

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NON/Boyd Rice At Europa

On January 24th I photographed NON/Boyd Rice at Europa in Brooklyn, NY. Photos from the show will be published shortly by Re-Gen Magazine.

I’ll be uploading all the shots from this show (possibly including some that Re-Gen Magazine doesn’t use and all will be in higher resolution) to this site and my Flickr page on February 7th. (Delay is due to exclusivity rights/professional courtesy.)

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Hirsute Pursuit & Boyd Rice/NON Photos Used For Another Show Poster

Hirsute Pursuit and Boyd Rice/NON are using my photos for another show poster and promotional advertisement for their upcoming concert.  The Hirsute Pursuit photo (above left) is one that was taken during the “controversial” photo shoot discussed previously on my blog here and here.  The Boyd Rice/NON photo (above right) was taken on July 22, 2010 at Le Poisson Rouge, NYC.  As you can see the show will take place on January 24, 2013 at Europa in Brooklyn, NY and I’ll be there taking photos so come out and say hello.

All the Hirsute Pursuit photos from the private photo shoot can be viewed here or on Flickr.

All the Boyd Rice/NON photos from this performance can be viewed on Flickr.

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Hirsute Pursuit & Boyd Rice/NON Photos Used For Show Poster

Hirsute Pursuit and Boyd Rice/NON are using my photos for a show poster and promotional advertisement for their upcoming concert.  The Hirsute Pursuit photo (above left) is one that was taken during the “controversial” photo shoot discussed previously on my blog here and here.  The Boyd Rice/NON photo (above right) was taken on July 22, 2010 at Le Poisson Rouge, NYC.  As you can see the show will take place on January 24, 2013 at Europa in Brooklyn, NY and I’ll be there taking photos so come out and say hello.

All the Hirsute Pursuit photos from the private photo shoot can be viewed here or on Flickr.

All the Boyd Rice/NON photos from this performance can be viewed on Flickr.

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Hirsute Pursuit Use greg C’s Photo For Show Poster & Promotional Ad

Hirsute Pursuit are using one of greg C’s photos for a show poster and promotional advertisement for their upcoming concert.  This photo is one that was taken during the “controversial” photo shoot discussed previously on my blog here and here.  As you can see the show will take place on January 24, 2013 at Europa in Brooklyn, NY and in addition to Hirsute Pursuit will also feature a performance from the legendary industrial music provocateur Boyd Rice & NON.  I will be in attendance and photographing the concert so come out and say hello.

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greg C’s Hirsute Pursuit Photo Revealed On Teaser Banner

On July 19, 2012 I did a very provocative and secretive photo shoot in midtown Manhattan, NYC with the band Hirsute Pursuit which consists of Bryin Dall (of Thee Majesty) and the extremely elusive Harley Phoenix.  The band brought along Harley’s “boy” Syluss Fortay and thousands of dollars worth of leather and bondage gear that was generously donated for the shoot by The Leatherman of NYC.  The photos are going to be used by Hirsute Pursuit as promos and for published interviews coming soon to magazines and/or websites near you.  I can’t display the full photos until they’re published but the “teaser banner” above, showing just a tiny portion of the image, has just been released by the band.  All the photos will be revealed here over the coming weeks but in the meantime you can check out the video of Hirsute Pursuit’s excellent remake of David Bowie’s Boys Keep Swinging featuring provocateur Boyd Rice (of NON) on vocals below.

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greg C Displayed Photos In The Dreams Were Made For Mortals IV Art Exhibit

On May 6th I displayed 17 of my photos in the Dreams Were Made For Mortals IV art exhibit at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, NY.  Featured were 16″ x  20″ prints of (top center to bottom) KMFDM, Inquisition, Ghost & Pentagram and 11″ x 14″ prints of (counterclockwise from top left) Iggy & The Stooges, Arch Enemy, Marduk, Skeletonwitch, Immortal, Nader Sadek, Killing Joke, Wormrot, Portal, Motorhead, Mayhem, NON & sunn O))).  It was a tremendous honor to be featured amongst so many talented artists and DJ’s (listed below).  Thank you to everyone who came out and showed their support and for buying my photos.

Curated by Karlynn Holland. Hosted by David Castillo and Saint Vitus Bar. Works: Greg Cristman, Danielle Fedorshik, Terence Hannum, Grey Heart, Karlynn Holland, Seldon Hunt, Valnior Artfield Lautrec, Nico Lebarge, Gerry Mak, Heather Masciandaro, Aaron Mette, Samantha Marble, Angela Rene Nacol, Owen Rundquist, Beatrice Schleyer. DJS: Eston Browne, Terence Hannum, Grey Heart, Seldon Hunt, Ryan Douglas Jones, Nicola Masciandaro, James Plotkin, Shark, Kris Yeshua.

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