Tag Archives: Merzbow

BrooklynVegan Publishes Another Merzbow Photo

Masami Akita aka Merzbow

BrooklynVegan has published another one of my Merzbow photos from June 4, 2012 at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, NY. See the article with the photo here.

All the Merzbow photos from this performance can be purchased and viewed here or viewed on Flickr.

Click here to contact us now and hire Greg C as your photographer.

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Merzbow Photos From June 4, 2012

Merzbow photos from June 4, 2012 at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, NY are now online.  View them here or on Flickr.

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BrooklynVegan Publishes greg C’s Merzbow & Wold Photos

BrooklynVegan has published greg C’s Merzbow & Wold photos from June 3, 2012 at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, NY. See the article and photos here.

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greg C Photographs Merzbow

On June 4th I photographed Merzbow at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, NY. Photos from the show will be published shortly by Brooklyn Vegan.

I’ll be uploading all the shots from this show (possibly including some that Brooklyn Vegan doesn’t use and all will be in higher resolution) to this site and my Flickr page on June 18th. (Delay is due to exclusivity rights/professional courtesy.)

Here’s a video of part of the performance from the early show (I shot the late show) by Torsten Meyer of unARTigNYC:

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greg C’s Reformed Faction Photos Published In The Book “Industrial Musics Volume 2”

Industrial Musics Volume 2 CoverReformed Faction_09Reformed Faction_018Reformed Faction_021Reformed Faction (Sound Check)_01Reformed Faction (Sound Check)_02

French publisher Camion Blanc has released a new book entitled Industrial Musics Volume 2 written by Eric Duboys that features five of greg C’s Reformed Faction photos.  The five photos (featured in the slideshow above) were all taken at the Brainwaves Festival 2008 in Arlington, MA on November 22, 2008.  The book (cover photo included in slideshow) is 1,066 pages and printed entirely in French and goes into great depth on the history of influential industrial/noise artists Maurizio Bianchi, Merzbow, David Jackman/Organum, The New Blockaders, The Haters, Zoviet France (Reformed Faction), The Hafler Trio, John Duncan and P16.D4.  The book, ISBN 9782357791855, retails for €40 and my photos can be found on pages 557 and 577-578.  More details can be found here.

All the Reformed Faction photos from this performance can be viewed on Flickr.

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