Tag Archives: Le Petit Garcon

BrooklynVegan Publishes Unsound Festival 2014 Show Review

BrooklynVegan has published my review of the Unsound Festival 2014 from April 5, 2014 at The Wick in Brooklyn, NY.  See the review here.

The festival included performances from Porter Ricks (photo above), Miles, Ital & Halal, Leisure Muffin, Robert A.A. Lowe and Le Petit Garcon. No professional cameras were allowed so all of my photos from the festival are unedited cellphone shots.

All the Unsound Festival 2014 photos can be viewed and purchased here or viewed on Flickr.

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Unsound Festival 2014 At The Wick

On April 5th I photographed the Unsound Festival 2014 at The Wick in Brooklyn, NY. The festival included performances from Porter Ricks (photo above), Miles, Ital & Halal, Leisure Muffin, Robert A.A. Lowe and Le Petit Garcon. No professional cameras were allowed so all of my photos are cellphone shots. Photos from the show along with my show review will be published by BrooklynVegan shortly.

I’ll be uploading all the shots from this show (possibly including some that BrooklynVegan doesn’t use and all will be in higher resolution) to this site and my Flickr page on April 19th. (Delay is due to exclusivity rights.) All photos will be available for purchase at that time.

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