Tag Archives: Hospitality

Fish Photos From December 1, 2012

Fish photos from December 1, 2012 at the Rock Lottery! at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY are now online.  View them here or on Flickr.

The Rock Lottery premise is simple, but effective. Twenty-five hand picked musicians meet at 10:00 AM at the evenings performance venue. These volunteers are organized into five groups through a lottery-based chance selection. The five separate groups are then released to practice at different locations. The musicians have twelve hours to create a band name and three to five songs (with a one cover-song limit). The groups will then perform what they have created that evening in front of a waiting audience.

Fish was comprised of Bryan Quackenbush of Gang Signs, Brian Betancourt of Hospitality, Jonny Rogoff of Yuck, Dave Harrington of Nicolas Jaar-Live Band and Leo Maymind of Spanish Prisoners.

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BrooklynVegan Publishes Rock Lottery! Photos

BrooklynVegan has published my Nylon Guy, Hardcore Lord, Fish, Jeff Goldbloom and Jazz Karate  photos from the Rock Lottery! concert on December 1, 2012 at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY.  See the article and photos here.

The Rock Lottery premise is simple, but effective. Twenty-five hand picked musicians meet at 10:00AM at the evenings performance venue. These volunteers are organized into five groups through a lottery-based chance selection. The five separate groups are then released to practice at different locations. The musicians have twelve hours to create a band name and three to five songs (with a one cover-song limit). The groups will then perform what they have created that evening in front of a waiting audience.

Nylon Guy was comprised of Tyler Villard of Bezoar, Ian Young of M83, George Langford of Javelin, Jen Goma of People Get Ready and Sunny Day In Glasgow and Dave Sheinkopf of The Subjects.

Hardcore Lord was comprised of Chris Puidokas who toured with Blonde Redhead and The Silent Years, Oliver Chapoy of Certain Creatures and formerly of Warm Ghost, Sara Lucas of Callers, Michael Sheffield of Sweet Bulbs and Alan Watts of Heaven’s Gate.

Fish was comprised of Bryan Quackenbush of Gang Signs, Brian Betancourt of Hospitality, Jonny Rogoff of Yuck, Dave Harrington of Nicolas Jaar-Live Band and Leo Maymind of Spanish Prisoners.

Jeff Goldbloom was comprised of Noah Kardos-Fein of Yvette, Nick Sylvester of Mr. Dream, Lua Rios of Gold Lake and Craig Pfunder of VHS or Beta.

Jazz Karate was comprised of Kenny Benard of Ra Ra Riot, Pamela Martinez of Teletextile, Matt Singer, Tom Blankenship of My Morning Jacket and Franz Nicolay formerly of Hold Steady and Against Me!

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Fish At Knitting Factory

On December 1st I photographed Fish at the Rock Lottery! at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY. From the Rock Lottery Facebook Page:

  • The Rock Lottery premise is simple, but effective. Twenty-five hand picked musicians meet at 10:00AM at the evenings performance venue. These volunteers are organized into five groups through a lottery-based chance selection. The five separate groups are then released to practice at different locations. The musicians have twelve hours to create a band name and three to five songs (with a one cover-song limit). The groups will then perform what they have created that evening in front of a waiting audience.
Fish was comprised of Bryan Quackenbush of Gang Signs, Brian Betancourt of Hospitality, Jonny Rogoff of Yuck, Dave Harrington of Nicolas Jaar-Live Band and Leo Maymind of Spanish Prisoners.

Photos from the show will be published shortly by BrooklynVegan.

I’ll be uploading all the shots from this show (possibly including some that BrooklynVegan doesn’t use and all will be in higher resolution) to this site and my Flickr page on December 15th. (Delay is due to exclusivity rights/professional courtesy.)

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