Tag Archives: Gerry Mak

greg C Displayed Photos In The Dreams Were Made For Mortals IV Art Exhibit

On May 6th I displayed 17 of my photos in the Dreams Were Made For Mortals IV art exhibit at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, NY.  Featured were 16″ x  20″ prints of (top center to bottom) KMFDM, Inquisition, Ghost & Pentagram and 11″ x 14″ prints of (counterclockwise from top left) Iggy & The Stooges, Arch Enemy, Marduk, Skeletonwitch, Immortal, Nader Sadek, Killing Joke, Wormrot, Portal, Motorhead, Mayhem, NON & sunn O))).  It was a tremendous honor to be featured amongst so many talented artists and DJ’s (listed below).  Thank you to everyone who came out and showed their support and for buying my photos.

Curated by Karlynn Holland. Hosted by David Castillo and Saint Vitus Bar. Works: Greg Cristman, Danielle Fedorshik, Terence Hannum, Grey Heart, Karlynn Holland, Seldon Hunt, Valnior Artfield Lautrec, Nico Lebarge, Gerry Mak, Heather Masciandaro, Aaron Mette, Samantha Marble, Angela Rene Nacol, Owen Rundquist, Beatrice Schleyer. DJS: Eston Browne, Terence Hannum, Grey Heart, Seldon Hunt, Ryan Douglas Jones, Nicola Masciandaro, James Plotkin, Shark, Kris Yeshua.

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