greg C Photographs Grave

On September 26th I photographed Grave at B.B. King Blues Club & Grill in Times Square, NYC. Photos from the show will be published shortly by Invisible Oranges along with a show review by Scab Casserole.

I’ll be uploading all the shots from this show (possibly including some that Invisible Oranges doesn’t use and all will be in higher resolution) to this site and my Flickr page on October 10th. (Delay is due to exclusivity rights/professional courtesy.)

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  1. Gigi September 30, 2012 at 10:38 PM #

    Such an amazing shot! cant wait for the review and more pictures! GRAVE was Amazing as always!

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      greg C photography October 1, 2012 at 1:08 AM #

      Thanks Gigi! I should have the shots finished tomorrow night and BrooklynVegan will have them up sometime Tuesday.