Stop & Frisk Photos From December 7, 2013

Stop & Frisk photos from December 7, 2013 at the Rock Lottery 4 at Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY are now online and available for purchase. View and buy them here or view on Flickr.

The Rock Lottery premise is simple, but effective. Twenty-five hand picked musicians meet at 10:00 AM at the evenings performance venue. These volunteers are organized into five groups through a lottery-based chance selection. The five separate groups are then released to practice at different locations. The musicians have twelve hours to create a band name and three to five songs (with a one cover-song limit). The groups will then perform what they have created that evening in front of a waiting audience.

Stop & Frisk was comprised of Jeff Curtin (Small Black), Peter Hess (Balkan Beat Box / Slavic Soul Party / Barbez), Maria Minerva, Steve Myers (Afghan Whigs / Mighty Fine), Mauro Remiddi (Porcelain Raft).

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