BrooklynVegan Publishes Another Hardcore Lord Photo

BrooklynVegan has published another one of my Hardcore Lord photos from from the Rock Lottery! concert on December 1, 2012 at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY. See the article and photo here.

The Rock Lottery premise is simple, but effective. Twenty-five hand picked musicians meet at 10:00 AM at the evenings performance venue. These volunteers are organized into five groups through a lottery-based chance selection. The five separate groups are then released to practice at different locations. The musicians have twelve hours to create a band name and three to five songs (with a one cover-song limit). The groups will then perform what they have created that evening in front of a waiting audience.

Hardcore Lord was comprised of Chris Puidokas who toured with Blonde Redhead and The Silent Years, Oliver Chapoy of Certain Creatures and formerly of Warm Ghost, Sara Lucas of Callers, Michael Sheffield of Sweet Bulbs and Alan Watts of Heaven’s Gate.

All the Hardcore Lord photos from this performance can be viewed and purchased here or viewed on Flickr.

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