Fish Photos From December 1, 2012

Fish photos from December 1, 2012 at the Rock Lottery! at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY are now online.  View them here or on Flickr.

The Rock Lottery premise is simple, but effective. Twenty-five hand picked musicians meet at 10:00 AM at the evenings performance venue. These volunteers are organized into five groups through a lottery-based chance selection. The five separate groups are then released to practice at different locations. The musicians have twelve hours to create a band name and three to five songs (with a one cover-song limit). The groups will then perform what they have created that evening in front of a waiting audience.

Fish was comprised of Bryan Quackenbush of Gang Signs, Brian Betancourt of Hospitality, Jonny Rogoff of Yuck, Dave Harrington of Nicolas Jaar-Live Band and Leo Maymind of Spanish Prisoners.

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