Welcome To The New greg C photography Website!

Welcome to the new, permanent home of greg C photography™.  After running a site on Myspace from November 2006 to August 2010 and then a Blogger site since March of 2010, completing and migrating over to this .com site was a major project and  long overdue.

This site includes a Home Page with a large format filmstrip slideshow, an integrated BlogEvents page, an e-commerce Gallery, links to the Complete Portfolio of over 31,000 (!) photos, and a Buy photos e-commerce store where you can purchase professionally printed photos in many sizes up to 24″ x 36″ on three different types of high quality paper.  Additionally, there’s an About greg C photography™ page,  Gear and Contact pages and music (look for the music player icon at the bottom of select pages).

This site will completely replace both the Blogger and Myspace sites and will be ground zero for all greg C photography™ news, activities, photos, events and more.  Please have a look around and I hope you like the new digs and maybe find something that you’d like to buy.

Thanks for visiting the new home of greg C photography™.  Cheers!

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